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National Youth Day (12th January): Relation Between Youth And Health| By Dietician Shilpi Goel

National Youth Day (12th January): Relation Between Youth And Health| By Dietician Shilpi Goel

Highlighting the role of good health in staying motivated and productive, renowned dietician Shilpi Goel shares some useful advise for the young generation to stay ahead in every field.

This National Youth Day (12th January), Nutrishilp endeavors to help the youth to attain a healthy lifestyle and grow into smarter, fitter and healthier individuals as they move into adulthood.

A day that marks the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda and celebrates the young generation, it’s crucial to spread awareness about things that matter on this day to help the youth of India take smarter decisions and build a better future for themselves and those close to them. 

For many reasons, the younger generation keeps on taking health for granted, Skipping breakfast, surviving on fast food, and leaning towards addictions like alcohol, and tobacco considering them as quick mood enhancers.

But all these have a very bad effect on our health, which starts appearing along with age.

Nutrishilp points out some basics, which if the youth follow, will set them on the path to good health, even while staying at home or moving out.

Here are some rules outlined for the youth they must follow to lead healthier and happier lives.

1. You are what you eat

You are what you eat

For ages, we’ve been told innumerable times by our elders – Nutrition is the key to Good health. 

Increasingly, the younger generation is getting trapped by addictions – ordering food, or constantly wanting to eat out. This in turn is making them lead unhealthy lives. 

While eating out occasionally is completely okay, it’s important to understand that home-cooked meals that include fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables are the way to good health. 

What’s heartening is the growing tribe of youngsters who have taken to cooking during the pandemic, inspiring many others  to follow their recipes online—in the process realizing that making nutritious wholesome food can be fun too. 

So, call your friends over and have a live cooking party, exchange recipes and cooking tips, all while enjoying the fun of cooking together in one place.

Healthy eating means eating nutritious food and avoiding food items that are not good for your health, such as foods with high levels of saturated fats and trans fat. 

Also, stay away from foods high in sugar and salt. This way, you can say goodbye to diseases like obesity, diabetes, and other lifestyle-related illnesses.

Recommended Story – Tips For A Sound Sleep By Dietician Shilpi Goel

2. Get up and move

Get up and move

First things first, fitness is not a one-time effort; it is a way of life. It has nothing to do with (or in any way) expensive gym equipments, or the latest activewear. 

It is a hopelessly simple thing, as easy as taking your pet for a walk in the mornings, and challenging yourself to a sprint or yoga session with your best friend on video call.

You can also stay fit and active in virtual neighborhood aerobics session. Even running up and down the steps of your high-rise before your lunch break can be just what your body and mind needs.

3. Healthy mind, healthy body

Healthy mind, healthy body

What’s crucial to understand is that health is not limited to body weight, what you eat, or how much you run—a critical aspect of health is how you feel.

So, while you focus on eating the right foods and indulging in workouts that are right for your body type, also make sure you’re taking charge of your mental health. 

In today’s emotionally fragile environment filled with uncertainty and upheavals, it’s imperative to pause every once in a while, and get some me-time. Walk on the grass, bask in the sun, meditate, or just close your eyes and do nothing but relax.

4. Inculcate the habit of daily exercising

Inculcate the habit of daily exercising

This is the foremost thing that youth needs to follow in their daily routines. Forming such habits when you are young helps form a foundation that goes a long way in adulthood to help one stay fit and active. 

Spending over 30 minutes on physical activity every day can aid in reducing the risk of many diseases which are fatal in nature. 

So, pledge to spend at least half an hour every day towards exercising and physical activities.

5. Avoid smoking and drinking

Avoid smoking and drinking

These are bad habits that the youth of today needs to stay away from. Excessive drinking and smoking are harmful and form a key reason for a large number of deaths across the globe. 

So, if you abstain from consuming alcohol and smoking during your young age when you are in the best of your health, you can be sure of leading a healthy life in your old age as well. 

So, promise to quit such bad habits and lead a healthy life on this Youth Day.

6. Bask in the Sun

Bask in the Sun

Soaking up the sunshine for 15 minutes on a daily basis can do miracles for your physical and mental well-being.

It can improve sleep quality boost immunity, provide youthful skin, balance blood pressure, shield against depression, and more.

7. Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

Water is an essential component that keeps everything running and functioning. It is recommended to consume at least eight glasses of water daily. 

Staying hydrated not only makes you look good but also helps you build a better immune system. It can improve your sleep quality, and help keep the body temperature normal.

8. Sleep on time

Sleep on time

When constantly worrying about how to look younger, remember that sleeping on time will take you a long way. 

Having a restful sleep also makes you energetic and productive. So, it is important to remind yourself to have quality sleep.

9. Recognize emotional eating

Recognize emotional eating

This pattern is very much associated with youth these days; they eat unthinkably out of anxiety, fear, and restlessness which is termed as Emotional Eating

Emotional variances taking place during youth has, for ages, been observed to be responsible for a change in eating and sleeping behavior in young generation.

Unfortunately, bad health and poor nutrition habits often begin as a result of emotional eating.

It’s so important for youth to maintain healthy eating habits even in times of emotional highs and lows. 

Remember that emotional eating doesn’t just happen when youth experience negative feelings like anxiety, fear, and restlessness. 

Emotional eating can also happen when you’re surrounded by positive feelings such as celebrations (winning a football game or passing a milestone), excitement (trying something new), or rewards (receiving a food or gift certificate for an accomplishment).

Nutrishilp suggests, some techniques adults can use to help youth manage emotional eating:

  • Explore why you are eating and find a replacement activity
  • Try to find the emotion or physical status tied to why you are eating
  •  Are you bored, stressed out, tired, etc.? Then look for something else to do: call someone, exercise, change routines, read or do yoga, etc.
  •  Write down the emotions that trigger unhealthy eating patterns
  • Create a mood/food journal so you can keep track of your feelings and eating patterns
  • Journaling will show a correlation between what you feel and what you eat
  • Pause and “take five breaths” before you reach for food
  • Take a few minutes to relax after getting home or practice deep breathing before you begin eating 
Dietician Shilpi Goel

Are you eating out of emotion? Habit? Lack of time? It’s great if you find an opportunity to take a few minutes to transition from one part of your day to the next. 

Feel free to connect with Team Nutrishilp @ 7581921000 or 

Also Read – Ayurvedic Skincare: Tips To Maintain Healthy And Youthful Skin

Written by Shilpi Goel

Shilpi Goel, a well-known dietitian from Raipur with over a decade of experience in the field of Nutrition. Her key expertise lies in the management of lifestyle and metabolic diseases like Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid, and PCOS. Her focus is on preventive methods and holistic health.She has her own nutrition clinic with the name “NutriShilp “. She is also a visiting consultant at Apollo Clinics, Raipur.

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