In simple words, Organic Food refers to those fruits and vegetables which are grown without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, synthetic herbicides, or bio-engineered genes.

It grown in its complete natural process.

On the other hand, organic livestock is raised from dairy products, eggs, or meat which is developed in natural living conditions accommodating the natural behaviour and fed organic vegetables or food.

Therefore, organic food is a label to identify a particular category of food which is approved by the NOP, national organic program.

Most of us get confused between the term ‘organic’ and ‘Earth-friendly’. However, ‘organic’ mostly focusses on farming practices which can help to reduce food contamination.

On the other hand, ‘Earth-friendly’ refers to a process which should not harm our mother earth.

But is organic food actually healthier for mankind?

The answer to this most asked question is – YES.

Organic food is a great way to stay healthy. The basic concept behind organic food is that it is grown or produced in hundred percent natural form.

It reduces the consumption of contaminated food.

Not only is the use of pesticides forbidden but the process is free from the BIG THRESS: Sewage, Irradiation, and Genetic Engineering.

Not many people know that use of pesticides or other fertilisers to grow food faster is the cause of cancer as pesticides are high on mercury and lead. 

Heavy metals like tolune, lead or, mercury can damage the nervous system, increase the chances of disease, reduce hemoglobin in human blood and cause many other serious health damages. 

Most of us wonder what exactly is the difference between organic and non-organic food. Here, comes the detailed difference and clarification.

At the very basics, there is not much difference between the two.

Most of the time it tastes quite similar and looks similar to. However, the content of organic food is higher on the nutrients and vitamins. 

The visual difference is that organic food is always labelled by NP while non-organic does not have any label.

  • The major difference between the two is the growing process.

Not only do organic products prevent such health damages but also contain high levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in their natural form. 

The two main purpose behind introducing the concept of organic food are as follows:

  • To decrease the circulation and consumption of contaminated food.
  • To increase the consumption of food rich in natural nutrients vitamins and minerals.

Studies say that organic food contains approximately 25% less pesticides and 15% higher nutrients and other minerals.

They have higher protein (a necessity required by vegetarians), Vitamin C and Flavonoid (fibre content).

Organic food is grown with natural fertilizers while non-organic food is cultivated with chemical fertilizers. 

Pests, weeds are controlled using natural methods like crop rotation, insects, traps etc. in the organic food growth process. However, chemical herbicides and synthetic pesticides are used to control pests and weeds in non-organic food growth processes.

In India, organic food is considered to be fancy because of its price. Non-organic food is cheaper than organic food.

There are many reasons for this price difference. Organic food is grown in its natural form without any use of chemicals therefore it needs more time and effort which results in a higher price.

Non-organic food on the other hand is grown keeping in mind ‘production for the mass’. Thus, it is grown faster with the help of chemicals. 

In our country, the market and the potential buyer for organic food is much less than that of non-organic food which also affects the pricing.

Benefits of Organic Food

1. Organic food is fresh:

Organic food is considered to be fresher than non-organic food as it does not have preservatives for long-lasting.

The entire process of organic food is natural therefore use of any chemicals at any stage is forbidden.

Most of the time organic farming is done in smaller grounds close to the market so that the food consumed is fresh. 

2. Organic food has higher nutrient value:

Many studies show that organic food has 50% higher nutrients than non-organic food.

Organic meat and milk are rich in omega-3 fatty acids with high levels of calcium and protein.

Even the fruits and vegetables which are grown organically, have high levels of vitamin E, vitamin C, and water content.

Organically rest animals are also fed with organically rest fruits and vegetables. They are not giving antibiotics or animal by products. 

3. Beneficial for mother earth:

This practice helps in reducing the level of soil pollution as well as water pollution.

Helps in conserving water and also increases soil fertility as there is no use of artificial chemicals or synthetic pesticides.

Farming without the use of such pesticides also helps increase the life time of nearby birds and animals. Thus, by eating organic food, we avoid synthetic pesticides, heavy metals and solvents which might lead to serious health conditions. 

Organic food is definitely more expensive than the local food but it can be fitted in your budget if you start prioritizing.

It is not necessary that you have to buy only organic products. To make sure that your food is rich in nutrients and not expensive, you can have a mix of organic and non-organic food. Below mentioned are two list: 

  • Food that you should buy from organic stores.
  • Food that you can buy from local stores.

As the study from the environmental working group shows that the following fruits and vegetables are grown with high chemicals, therefore, only organic form of this should be bought:

  1. Apples
  2. Potatoes 
  3. Cucumbers
  4. Strawberries
  5. Green leafy vegetables
  6. Bell pepper
  7. Grapes (green, black and red) 
  8. Celery 
  9. Peaches

However, there are certain fruits and vegetables which DO NOT have high content of pesticides and can be bought from the local market. For example:

  1. Mushrooms
  2. Eggplant
  3. Cabbage
  4. Onion
  5. Pineapple
  6. Kiwi
  7. Sweet corn 
  8. Sweet potatoes 
  9. Mango 

You should buy organic meat, dairy products and eggs if you can afford it because local livestock contain pesticides and herbicides which are very harmful for the human body.

While purchasing organic livestock, try to look for ‘certified organic’, ‘100 per cent grass fed’ or ‘pasture raised’ labels.

Anything organic ensures health and safety, not only in the food department but also in the dairy department. Check out Top 10 Organic Milk Brands in India, Best Organic Milk Brand at Your Doorstep (

Other factors that can help you get cheaper organic food are as follows:

  • Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables. Try to find out which fruit or vegetable is produced in which season. Seasonal organic food is much cheaper than offseason organic food. Our country offers us a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables. From rich and juicy summer mangoes to soft and creamy custard apples, India grows a variety of organic vegetables and fruits according to the different seasons. 
  • Look for farmers markets in small towns for cheaper prices. Weekly farmers markets have good quality organic food at lower prices. With 45% of our county’s land under organic food growing, damages market is easily available here. 

Organic food is not a very known topic but has captured the food culture to a great extent. The process of growing food majorly affects the quality of that food. Organic food is grown naturally hence the results are good and beneficial.

However, due to excess care, time and efforts the price of such food is on the higher parameters.

With many benefits organic food can be a great source of energy, boost your immune and help you live a healthier life.

Organic Food Business

Organic Food and Business in India

Read in detail here: Organic Food Business, Tips for Starting Organic Food Business in India (

Organic Food – A New Gen Concept

Organic food is considered to be a new age concept on which the whole generation is investing in and is dependent on.

With the increasing awareness in the population regarding the harmful effects of pesticides which are deeply loaded on the body of the vegetables and the process of adulteration in ready-made food, the market for organic foods is expanding and flourishing and also is reportedly the highly consumed foods in today’s time. 

Organic Food Business in India

Organic food business has truly opened many opportunities and has exploded the Indian market at the right time.

Organic Food in India is a niche category and is expected to sweep across the nation heavily.

With the increasing number of cases and incidents of food adulteration, consumer consciousness and increasing income especially the middle-class families has facilitated high demand and high consumption of organic food in India.

In a recent ‘India Organic Food Market Report 2018’, the market of Organic food business is expected to grow at CAGR of 25 per cent by 2023.

With such a high percent to which it is expected to grow, there is a tremendous scope and opportunity in venturing into organic food business in India.

Though there are still many challenges and things to keep in mind while venturing!

Things to keep in mind while venturing in Organic Food Business:

1. Market Research:

When it comes to the organic food market, people planning to venture must be aware that with the increasing demand there are still many growing cases of food adulteration, not only India but globally.

Even consumers today are well aware and are conscious about healthy and safe foods and with the new food safety legislation which is continuously working towards improving and implementing new safety standards and also at the same time, consumers are willing to pay for organic foods due to the high disposable income, all these factors should be considered along with present market status thoroughly.

2. Understanding the Organic Food Audience:

This generation is educated and smart and that is the reason why they make health as their priority thus by preferring to eat healthy food and by spending on healthy food products as they believe prevention is better than cure.

Therefore, understanding your target audience is important. Especially in India, as Indian consumers are always ready to experiment and adopt new trends especially which is beneficial for their health.

As health is a priority and consumers have better spending power and consciousness, the organic products are not just popular but also are finding their way into every consumer’s house. And with this MRPs have taken a backseat. The consumer of organic food is a more quality conscious than price conscious.

It’s important that the market for organic food is everywhere and also that everyone is a potential buyer though it is catching up big time in metros and educated class.

3. Growth Opportunity of Organic Food Business:

Organic foods are one of the few categories which will fall into high-scale, high-margin opportunity bracket.

The high-scale opportunity happens by the fact that the overall organic food consumption is not even 0.1 per cent of India’s $300 billion annual food consumption.

In the same way, India’s share in the $100 billion global organic food market is 0.2 per cent.

The high opportunity is also driven by the increase in the number of varieties of organic foods coming in the market and the e-commerce facilitating the selling of each of these products through its medium.

This makes it a good business model to venture into. Also, what interests the investors is the organic supply chain which proves to be more efficient than conventional Agri- businesses.

4. Organic Food Business Challenges and Policies:

  • Though it has proved to be a profitable market to invest in, there are still many challenges that need to be faced and the policies and norms to keep in mind with respect to it.
  • The supply chain is underdeveloped and the small farmers are mostly located in the hilly remote regions and tribal belts which makes it very difficult for them to access the market directly.
  • There is also shortage of pack houses for storage which leads to spoilage as organic foods have to be stored under favourable conditions by considering all safety parameters.
  • Also, the organic products need to be separately kept from the conventional products to avoid cross-contamination and this facility is still not being provided. As farmer converts the conventional chemical-based farming to organic farming, there is a heavy loss in yield as the chemical inputs are withdrawn.
  • Lastly, there is an actual shortage of good quality organic inputs that eventually leads to increment in loss of yield.

Though a very profitable venture which has a shining and bright future, still, understanding the complete market, audience, opportunities, potential threats, challenges, and policy changes are crucial.

With such challenges included, one can still think of venturing into this fruitful venture as it has more opportunities than challenges.

Increasing Organic Space in India

organic farming in india

Check out: Increasing Organic Food Space In India, Future of Organic Food Industry (

When you go to the grocery market what qualities do you look for in your potential purchase? Do you look for freshness, brand name or the aesthetic appeal of the product?

Most food products try to provide the best to their customers in all these aspects but since the last decade, there has been a rise of health-conscious consumers and you can’t fool them easily!

Because of these sceptics and critics, the companies are now forced to make better choices regarding the ingredients of the products. 

We have seen so many labels on almost each and every product like “zero sugar”, “zero trans-fat”, “low cholesterol”, etc.

These tactics worked for a while but the digitally literate, scientifically curious segment of the society couldn’t be pleased for long. Questions like “How is the product made?”, “Which ingredients are used?”, “Where do these ingredients come from? “Are they safe?”, are asked by the consumers more often now than ever before as people are starting to make informed choices regarding their food. 

All these factors have contributed to the increase in the organic food market in India.

Currently, the market is witnessing an impressive growth rate of 17 %. There are about 15000 certified organic farms in India. In 2018, all farms of the state of Sikkim were certified organic, making it the first Indian state to be 100% organic.

Likewise, many other states are following this trend.

The Rise and Fall of Traditional Farming

Long before technology and industrialization touched our motherland, almost all food had to be grown organically.

However, after the development of medical science, the population of the earth grew enormously and to handle such a huge population we needed to produce more food. The output per unit of land was always low with traditional farming. Certain chemicals could increase the output for the land and was the need of the hour to feed a growing population on our planet. 

Several chemicals were used throughout the 19th and 20th century, which changed the course of farming as we knew it. Tons and tons of these pungent smelling, artificially produced chemicals were dumped over our crops.

All these efforts were indeed successful in increasing the outputs of farms which was termed as the ‘Green Revolution’ and was highly applauded by the nation as a symbol of scientific development. 

The products were affordable and easily available in abundance. GMO crops were introduced which was another breakthrough in biotechnology. However, such endeavours ignored the consequences, and soon people realised that all these can do more harm than good sometimes.

And this is what happened with the green revolution. Many of the chemicals were used in unregulated amounts. Later on, many studies were conducted over the long-term effects of these chemicals which concluded that many chemicals used in excessive quantities for the long term can be detrimental to human health and well-being.  

Back to Basics: Reasons for the Rise in Organic Food Space

There are several factors which contribute to the rising organic food market in India:

1. Increasing E-Commerce:

Today, many people shop online as it saves time and money. It helps you to avoid the crowd and the scorching hot weather of India and shop from the comfort of your home. The potential customers of the organic market belong to the society of highly digitalized people who prefer to have their products delivered to the doorstep. This factor has been exploited by the organic food companies for reaching out to these people through the use of social media. Many such companies sell their products through online stores and many of these products are also available on the online shopping giants like Amazon and Flipkart.

2. Competitive Prices:

The one disadvantage that organic products had was the price. Usually, organic farming led to lower output which in turn led to the increase in the selling price of the products but nowadays, the prices are quite similar to the regular products. One reason for this is the ‘Farm-to-Table’ approach, according to which, locally grown food is sold directly in nearby markets which reduces the added costs of stakeholders, transportation, etc., making the food cheaper. Moreover, economic growth has made it more acceptable for people to spend a few extra pennies for the sake of their health.

3. Government Support:

There are several organisations by the government that support organic farming like NMSA, Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY). All these initiatives have proven to be very effective for promoting organic farming practices. Last year, an organic food festival was hosted by the WCD which was inaugurated by Smriti Irani and in which more than 180 women entrepreneurs participated.

4. Demand in the West:

Several countries in the world are seeking organic food but not every country is self-sufficient in natural resources to grow enough of their own food which makes a natural resource rich country like India a good import destination. The demand for organic products has been increasing throughout the world and companies in India are taking advantage of this fact by exporting foods to those countries. This is a great way to grow the business in India.

There is no harm in indulging in otherwise taste emphasized food sometimes and also helps in keeping the tongue and heart sane. Check Out: Top 10 Food Festivals in India That You must Visit – Popular Food Festivals (

Top Start-ups in Organic Food Businesses

Organic farming is one of the latest concepts which promises to revolutionize the process of farming in order to ensure sustainable development. The food which is produced from organic farms is called organic food. There are very strict rules which a farmer needs to follow for a farm to be certified as an organic farm officially by some of the top regulating authorities. 

Read more about the scenario of Organic Farming in India: Organic Farming in India, Organic Farming Definition, Methods, & Benefits (

This type of farming is developed with the help of scientists working closely with the agriculture sector of India. The output of an organic farm is less as compared to that of a traditional farm but the quality of the food is thought to be better because of less contamination of harmful chemicals in the food. Due to this, many people are preferring organic over traditionally grown food, mainly because of the growing popularity of health and fitness culture.

According to the latest survey done by Exide, the organic market in India is set to grow at an exponential rate of 25%. This is only possible because of the improvement in the quality of organic products and their marketing by various brands. So, let’s a look at the top start-ups in the organic food business in India.

1. Just Organik:

Just Organik was founded by Richa Agrawal and Sandeep Agrawal in 2013. They have teamed up with farmers in Uttarakhand to harvest, produce and supply organic products all over India. The goal of this company is to make organic food affordable and available all over India.

The products of this company are certified by all the internationally essential certification standards like USDA and EU organic. So, you can be sure about the quality of their products.

They deal with several regular food items like pulses, lentils, rice, flour, spices, oils, dry fruits, tea, coffee, sweeteners and even personal care products. So, this is a perfect brand for the health conscious and the fitness freaks out there who want to give organic diet a try. They have also received several awards and is one of the top start-ups in the organic food business in India.

2. Joy By Nature

This brand was launched in 2014 by two fathers, Shailesh Mehta and Rahul Amarendra Kumar were concerned about the harmful effects that chemicals might have on their children.

Today, it has a big customer base of 35000. They have products in about 10,000 categories including nutrition, food, beauty and health and they keep adding more items to their ever-increasing list of products.

In the food category, they deal with simple wholefood products like rice, lentils, spices, dry-fruits, tea, coffee, seeds and also health related products like supplements that are related to disease and weight management. All these supplements are claimed to be Ayurvedic and free of any side effects.

3. I Say Organic:

This brand was established by an engineer from the University of British Columbia named Ashmeet Kapoor.

One special feature of this brand is that they also mention the name of the farmer who grew the food on the packets. This system is quite prevalent in many developed countries including USA and Japan to encourage organic farming by giving the farmers their deserved respect and recognition. This system also helps to spread awareness about the well-being of farmers.

The companies listed above only deal with products that can be stored but this brand also provides fresh produce like vegetables, fruit and bakery items. Currently, this brand is operating in 13 States and has 100 farmers to grow their produce.

They also conduct quarterly tests of pesticide residue and quality checks and have solar powered farms, which makes it not only organic but also an eco-friendly choice for the consumer.

4. Naturally Yours:

Naturally Yours was created by Vinod Kumar who is MBA graduate from Cardiff Business School, UK and Priya Prakash who is a certified nutritionist and biotechnologist.

This brand deals with noodles and pasta which is one of the most popular food items consumed by Indians now-a-days. It is difficult to even find anyone who doesn’t like noodles and pasta and it is one of the most famous street foods as well. But it is just really unhealthy because of its lack of nutrition and high saturated fat content.

But, the noodles and pasta from Naturally Yours are different because it does not contain processed flour and instead is made with a mixture of quinoa, millet, red rice, etc to make it much healthier and more wholesome. The raw material used for the manufacture of the items is also organic and it is absolutely free from any kind of chemical additives and preservatives.

These noodles are a tasty way to get your minerals, fibres and proteins into your diet. This works especially well for children who are often repulsed by healthy food stuff because they are boring.

5. Organic Crunch:

This brand is founded by family members Raj Shrestha Juneja, who did his education from Switzerland, Neha Raj Juneja who is an hotel administrator and Raj Snehil Juneja an investment banker and consultant. They are hoteliers and have had experiences with food for all their life.

When people try to opt for a healthy lifestyle they often miss out on taste because popular diet food options seem to be bland. However, Organic Ranch has taken up the challenge to combine health and taste into a single product.

The awareness about harmful effects of chemicals used in traditional farming has led to the rise of organic farms. Organic farms in India usually use compost pits and predator animals to control insects which reduces the environmental impact of farming.

Organic food is now promoted by many fitness and health experts and even many doctors. Organic food might reduce the risk of a myriad of serious diseases like hormonal diseases, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. More research is required in this field to figure out the extent of advantages provided by an organic diet.

With its current growth rate, the organic industry is expected to change the whole market around the world in the upcoming years.

Can read better here: Organic Food Startups – Top Startup In Organic Food Business In India (

Top Organic Food Brands Available in Your City

Top Organic Food brand available in your city

With several options in the market, one should know the right brand to pick. Many of them are available on the top online stores and hence you can easily get them in any city at your doorstep

Here is a list of the Top Organic Food Brands in India, which will surely help you make the healthy choice:

1. Pro Nature:

The Bangalore-based organic food brand, Pro Nature started in the year 2006, with an effort to provide unique, healthy-organic products that offered better food options for daily nutrition.

Pro Nature offers the purest form of organic products without any harmful chemicals used in the process. They have an astonishing range of 115 plus organic food products which include breakfast products, millets and pulses and beans etc.

They are doing it their bit by adapting organic procedures, which result in a healthy lifestyle for their consumers; while keeping the planet safe and free of damage as well as being beneficial for our farmers.

2. Organic India:

One of the top Organic Food Brands in India, based in Lucknow, Organic India, is known to provide Herbal and as well as Ayurvedic Products.

They work with thousands of small farmer families who have been educated in organic and biodynamic agricultural practices, which result in producing organic products straight from their agricultural land.

This means the products are filled with nutrients and are retained through advanced processing methods, without the use of any chemicals/pesticides.

Organic India not only provides organic food products all over the country but they have an international presence too. 

3. Organic Tattva:

India’s leading organic food brand, Organic Tattva firmly believes in helping people live a better, healthier and wholesome life while preserving nature. 

The brand ensures high nutritional value, which means preservation of natural vitamins and minerals, no added chemicals, certified organic sources and preservation of the environment, which means the use of a sustainable Agro-ecosystem. This further ensures soil conservation and reduces air pollution. 

4. Plum Organics:

Plum Organics is a global brand completely dedicated to organic food for the tiny tots. It was founded by parents, for parents in 2007.

The first 1000 days are very crucial and important for overall development and good health of these tiny tots so they firmly believe in providing the best from the first bite which these little ones totally deserve.

Not only is the importance of healthy, organic food products kept in mind but the brand follows sustainability practices, which ensures that their pouch caps are made from recyclable plastic, so that Mother Earth is also well taken care of.

5. Vision Fresh:

Vision Fresh is an online multi brand organic store where a wide range of organic products are available in their online organic grocery store.

They are a certified organic company which means you can keep all your faith in them. They are super affordable and their services are fast and safe.

The best part is that you can order all these products sitting at home with just one click as they provide free delivery and in case you are not satisfied or if there has been some issue with the order then there is an easy return policy too.

6. 24 Mantra:

24 Mantrais a Hyderabad-based brand; successfully providing Indians with the best organic foods for over 10 years now. 

They strictly monitor their organic methods and are known for the ‘Seed to Kitchen’ policy, which results in 100% organic products. Zero preservatives pave the way for sustainable practices that keep the air, water and soil free of unwanted chemicals.

24 Mantra also believes in empowering their farmers and providing sustainable livelihoods to the farmers. All this for a healthier tomorrow!

7. Just Organics:

With the tagline ‘Naturally Healthy, Just Organics’ was started with an objective to address the issues of convenience and availability of organic food for consumers in and around Bellandur in Bengaluru. 

They mainly deal in selling organic fruits and vegetables which are 100% organic and have no chemical compounds in them. Just Organics offers a variety of options to the consumers from well-known local and national brands.

Just Organics believes that by consuming chemical and pesticide-free food as well as adopting a lifestyle that favours the environment; you can lead a healthy lifestyle with minimal medical ailments.

8. Conscious Food:

Conscious Food has been one of the leading organic food brands in India since 1990 with the saying ‘Go Natural and Organic’ with Conscious Food. 

They offer more than 100 products, which combine both ancient Indian grains to new-age superfoods. The brand’s endeavour is to introduce new ingredients that will bring a change in the culinary journey and as well as contribute to the wellness lifestyle of their consumers.

They strictly follow sustainable practices by sourcing only responsibly grown produce with absolutely no chemicals and deliver these products all over the country. Did we mention they offer free shipping in Mumbai! 

9. Down To Earth:

12 years of extensive research in organic food and development gave birth to ‘Down to Earth’. Their mission is to bring harmony and wellness in life for all.

Down to Earth is moving ahead with an aim of improving quality of life by improving quality of food. They provide a wide range of products from herbs, edible oils to healthy substitutes for consumers. 

The brand comes from the house of Morarka Organics. The foundation of their principles is:

  • Believes in encouraging new initiatives
  • Aspires to create wealth for the community
  • Encourages professionals to work for the voluntary sector

It is recognized for offering solutions for sustainable agriculture across the world.

10. Farm 2 Kitchen:

Farm 2 Kitchen is both an online and offline grocery and good foods store. Housing everything from organic pulses, seasonings to aromatic herbs and many more options to choose from. 

If you are looking for authentic and certified organic products and good foods online then you are definitely at the right place! 

They have developed a network of more than 100,000 small farmers across India and they have been provided with training, mentoring and direct access to the market.

Devoting themselves completely to creating good food, demonstrating good business practices, and helping build good communities, the brand’s heart is in the right place.

Check out each brand’s products and availability here: Best Organic Food Brands, Top Organic Food Brands Available in Your City (