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Calcium Supplements Explained: The Scientific Basis for Bone Health

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of calcium supplements and discover the fascinating world of calcium science. Let's dive in and explore the benefits and intricacies of these supplements to enhance our overall health and well-being.

The science behind calcium supplements

Calcium supplements are a convenient and effective way to ensure that our bodies receive the necessary amount of this vital mineral without any deficiencies.

Calcium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. From strong bones and teeth to proper muscle function and nerve transmission, calcium is involved in numerous essential bodily processes. It’s no wonder that maintaining adequate calcium levels is essential for optimal health.

The Science Behind Calcium Supplements

Calcium supplements are required when the daily required intake through diet is not enough. This is where calcium supplements come into play.

In this article, we will delve into the science behind calcium supplements. We will explore how these supplements work, the different types of calcium available, and how to determine the appropriate dosage for your needs.

By understanding the scientific evidence behind calcium supplements, you can make informed decisions about incorporating them into your daily routine and optimising your calcium intake.

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Challenges of Obtaining Sufficient Calcium from Daily Diet 

Challenges of Obtaining Sufficient Ca from Daily Diet

Preferences and Restrictions in Diet

Some people who adopt a vegan or lactose-free diet may find it difficult to get adequate calcium from plant-based sources alone.

Inadequate Calcium-Rich Food Consumption

An inconsistent inclusion of calcium-rich foods on a daily basis. 

It could be due to multiple factors like restricted availability of nutritional foods, busy lifestyles, poor dietary choices, and many more.

Calcium Absorption Problems

Even if a person consumes a suitable quantity of calcium, different circumstances might prevent it from being absorbed. 

Calcium absorption might be hampered by medical problems, drugs, or lifestyle factors such as excessive coffee or alcohol use.

Bowel or digestive diseases like IBD or celiac disease decrease the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Reduced absorption when treatment involves the use of corticosteroids.

Increased Excretion

High chance of people consuming large amounts of protein or sodium, which makes the body excrete more calcium.

Given these obstacles, calcium supplements can play an important role in attaining daily calcium requirements. They are a practical and dependable source of calcium, ensuring that people get the appropriate amount to maintain their general health.

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Use of Calcium Supplements

Use of Calcium Supplements

The use of calcium supplements has been extensively studied, and scientific evidence supports their efficacy in meeting calcium needs and promoting overall health.

Let’s explore the scientific evidence behind the use of calcium supplements, including how they work, the types of calcium available, and how to determine the appropriate dosage.

How Do Calcium Supplements Work? 

Calcium is a mineral important for a variety of physiological processes such as bone health, neuron transmission, muscular contraction, and blood clotting.

When the body does not get enough calcium from food, it withdraws calcium from the bones, which can lead to reduced bone density over time.

Calcium supplements are an extra supply of calcium that can assist the body maintain proper levels and prevent bone loss.

Types of Calcium Supplements

Types of Calcium Supplements

Various types of calcium compounds act as supplements with varied absorption characteristics, including the following:

Calcium Carbonate

The most commonly used form of calcium for supplementation.

Calcium carbonate has the greatest elemental calcium content and requires stomach acid for effective absorption. It is best to take it with meals for optimal absorption.

Also, it acts as an antacid to relieve heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach.

Calcium Citrate

This form is more easily absorbed by the body, making it a suitable option for individuals with low stomach acid or those taking acid-reducing medications. 

It can be taken with or without food.

Other forms

Calcium lactate, calcium gluconate, and calcium phosphate are less common forms of calcium supplements. 

They contain lower amounts of elemental calcium and may require larger doses to achieve the desired intake.

As compared to other forms, calcium carbonate has a higher chance of deposition in soft tissues, leading to blockage when taken excessively, especially in the absence of magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin K and D.

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Recommended Calcium Intake

Various factors determine the recommended calcium intake or supplementation, including age, gender, health conditions, and food consumption. Calcium consumption recommendations varied depending on age group.

Age Calcium (mg/day)
0-6 months300
7-12 months300
1-3 years500
4-6 years550
7-9 years650
10-12 years850
13-15 years1000
16-18 years1050
Lactating Women1200

The tolerable upper limit for calcium is 3000mg/day for adolescents and 2500 mg a day for adults. It’s important to note that too much calcium from supplements might cause gastrointestinal pain and the creation of kidney stones. Therefore, it’s essential to follow the recommended dosage and avoid exceeding the TUL.

It’s vital to remember that the body can only absorb a certain amount of calcium at once. As a result, for improved absorption, split the recommended amount into several smaller doses throughout the day. 

Efficacy of Calcium Supplements, Benefits & Risks Associated

BenefitsPossible Risks
Prevents osteoporosisIncreased risk of kidney stones
Improves bone healthIncreased risk of heart disease
Reduced risk of fracturesInterference with other medications
Improved muscle functionConstipation
Reduced risk of colon cancerUpset stomach

Why is excessive calcium bad?

While calcium is necessary for health, excessive calcium consumption, particularly from supplements, may result in calcium accumulation in soft tissues such as blood vessel walls and the heart. This deposition can lead to arterial calcification, which raises the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Tips to Ensure Safety

To prevent excessive calcium deposition and promote cardiovascular health, it’s important to follow these guidelines:

Optimal Dosage: It’s crucial to adhere to the recommended dosage of calcium supplements as advised by healthcare professionals. 

Strive to meet your calcium needs primarily through a well-balanced diet.

Maintain a healthy balance between calcium and magnesium intake as magnesium is important for proper calcium utilization and prevents excessive calcium deposition.

Ensure adequate vitamin D levels as it facilitates calcium absorption.

Periodic monitoring of calcium levels, especially if you’re taking calcium supplements, can help ensure that your intake is within the recommended range.

Work with healthcare professionals to customize individualized calcium supplementation recommendations based on individual needs.

Need for Calcium Supplements

Need for Calcium Supplements

It’s crucial to remember these are supplements and not a replacement for a healthy diet.

They help bridge the gap between dietary calcium consumption and the recommended daily intake, which is especially important for people who struggle to fulfil their needs solely via food.

However, determining the optimum amount of calcium supplements based on individual needs is critical. Age, gender, pre-existing health issues, and the presence of any prescription interactions need to be taken into consideration.

Consultation with a healthcare practitioner or certified dietician can assist in determining the appropriate dose and ensuring that it meets individual needs.

By incorporating calcium supplements into a well-rounded diet and lifestyle, individuals can optimize their calcium intake, promote bone health, and support the proper functioning of various body systems. 

Now you know how Ca supplements work and what kinds of calcium are available in the market. This scientific information behind Ca supplements can now empower you to make informed decisions about your health and optimise your calcium intake.

Remember, moderation and proper monitoring are key when it comes to calcium supplementation.

Also, Read: Sodium in our Daily Diet – Effects of Low and High Sodium Intake on our Body

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