Nabhi Sutra


Nabhi Sutra


Belly Button Oils for Digestion, Pain, Skincare & Hair

Best Sellers

  • Eye Care – Belly Button Oil
  • Joint Pain Remedy – Belly Button Oil
  • Sensational Skin Belly Button Oils
  • Healthy Hair Care – Belly Button Oil

Price Range

  • ₹492 ₹987

The price range at Nabhi Sutra is from ₹492 to ₹987. 

Amazon Rating


How To Buy​

You can purchase Nabhi Sutra products on their website.


Q. For how long should I use these oils?

A The oils can show results in as little as 3 days to 3 months.

Q. Who are the Nabhi Sutra oils meant for?

A. The Nabhi Sutra oils can be used by anyone as they are not gender or age specific.

Q. How often should I use the Nabhi Sutra oils?

A. Ideally, they should be used once a day before bed.

Q. Can two oils be applied together?

A. It is recommended not to use the oils together.

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Contact Us​


Nabhi Sutra is a brand committed to encouraging better health through the simple application of an Ayurvedic oil. Their primary aim is to always encourage the use of natural remedies and traditional products over chemical and artificial ones which are not good for our bodies or the environment

in the long run.

Every product created by Nabhi Sutra is 100% natural and includes no added colour, fragrances or chemicals. Their product range is created entirely using Ayurvedic techniques and processes. They comprise pure and therapeutic essential oils, ayurvedic siddha oil and cold pressed oils. They are all of fine quality and very effective.

Their product range includes remedies for many issues including hair fall, acne, ageing and other skin problems as well as products for children that encourage immunity building, brain development and other health benefits. 

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