



Handbags, Totes, Pouches, Home decor items,

Best Sellers

  • Kindle Sleeve
  • Sling Bag
  • Recycled Newspaper Seed Pencil
  • Shoulder Cross Body Bag
  • Planter Big

Price Range

  • Rs. 100 Rs. 2900
  • The price range for their Totes and Handbags starts from ₹1000 and goes up to ₹2,300.
  • Their wallets and pouches are available from ₹550 to ₹1,500.
  • The price range for their Bags and Sleeves is ₹750 to ₹2,000.
  • School and Office Supplies are available from ₹100 to ₹2,900.
  • Their travel and fitness products are priced at ₹319 and ₹2,900.

How To Buy​

You can buy Ecokaari products off their website or through online marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart. 


Q. Is the packaging sustainable?

A. Yes, even Karagiri’s packaging is sustainable and plastic free.

Q. What is the Return policy?

A. No returns are accepted. However, products may be exchanged.

Q. Is international shipping available?

A. Yes, international shipping is available.

Q. When can I expect to receive my product?

A. Products are delivered within 4 to 6 working days.

Social Media​

Contact Us​


Ecokaari was born from the desire to create a community that developed from the bottom up in order to achieve a better life for all living things in a sustainable manner. They focus on traditional Indian crafts which believed in upcycling, material optimisation and waste minimisation.


name is a portmanteau of the words Eco friendly and Kaarigar which means artisan. The name itself belies the deep care and love that the brand has for both of these entities. The relationship between artists and the environment is deep and unbreakable.

They handweave plastic into stunning pieces of cloth and as they save the environment, they also provide a living for women and the youth of differently privileged backgrounds. They pair traditional Indian crafts with modern sustainable techniques.

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